How to save a company from insolvency

Steps to Save a Company from InsolvencyThere are several steps that can be taken to save a company from insolvency, including assessing the company’s financial situation, creating a financial plan, improving operational efficiency, maximising revenue, considering legal and regulatory considerations, and communicating with stakeholders.

These steps are aimed at reducing expenses, increasing revenue, negotiating with creditors, and improving overall financial management.

The possibility of a company facing insolvency is a very real concern for many business owners. Insolvency occurs when a company is no longer able to meet its financial obligations, such as paying its bills, suppliers, and creditors.

It can be caused by various factors, including economic downturns, poor financial management, and unexpected events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are ways to save a company from insolvency and get back on the road to success.

Insolvency is a financial state in which a company’s liabilities exceed its assets. This means that the company is no longer able to pay its debts or meet its financial obligations. Insolvency can result in bankruptcy, which is a legal process in which a court determines whether a company is capable of repaying its debts or not. In some cases, bankruptcy may be the only option for a company facing insolvency, but there are other steps that can be taken to save the company from this fate

Saving a company from insolvency is crucial not only for the business owners but also for the employees, customers, and other stakeholders involved. If a company goes bankrupt, it can lead to job losses, financial losses for creditors and suppliers, and a negative impact on the economy. On the other hand, if a company is saved from insolvency, it can continue to operate, provide employment, and contribute to the economy.

Therefore, it is important to take action as soon as possible to save a company from insolvency. By taking these steps, a company can avoid bankruptcy and get back on the road to financial stability.

Steps to Save a Company from Insolvency

Assessing the Company’s Financial Situation:

Before taking any action to save a company from insolvency, it is important to assess the company’s financial situation. This involves reviewing the company’s financial statements, identifying the cause of insolvency, and determining the extent of the financial problems. The assessment should be thorough and detailed to ensure that all financial issues are addressed.

Identifying the Cause of Insolvency:

The cause of insolvency can vary from one company to another. Some common causes include poor financial management, economic downturns, and unexpected events, such as natural disasters or pandemics. Identifying the cause of insolvency is important because it helps to determine the appropriate course of action. For example, if poor financial management is the cause, then steps can be taken to improve financial management practices.

Analysing the Financial Statements:

Analysing the financial statements is a critical part of assessing a company’s financial situation. Financial statements provide important information about a company’s financial performance, including its revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities. By analysing the financial statements, it is possible to identify areas where the company is struggling and develop strategies to address these issues.

Determining the Extent of the Financial Problems:

Once the cause of insolvency has been identified and the financial statements have been analysed, it is important to determine the extent of the financial problems. This includes identifying the amount of debt the company owes, the amount of revenue it is generating, and its ability to pay its bills and meet its financial obligations. This information is important for developing a financial plan and negotiating with creditors. By determining the extent of the financial problems, it is possible to take the necessary steps to save the company from insolvency.

Creating a Financial Plan to Save the Company

Setting Financial Goals:

Setting financial goals is an essential part of creating a financial plan to save the company. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, the company may set a goal to reduce expenses by a certain percentage or increase revenue by a certain amount within a specific timeframe.

Developing a Budget:

Developing a budget is also a crucial part of creating a financial plan. A budget helps the company to plan and control its expenses and ensure that it is living within its means. The budget should be based on realistic assumptions and should be regularly reviewed and updated. The company may need to make difficult decisions, such as cutting expenses or reducing staff, to balance the budget.

Negotiating with Creditors:

Negotiating with creditors is another important step in saving a company from insolvency. The company may need to negotiate with its creditors to reduce the amount of debt owed or extend the repayment period. This can help to ease the financial burden on the company and give it more time to implement its financial plan. It is important to be transparent and honest with creditors and to work collaboratively to find a solution that works for both parties.

Obtaining Additional Funding:

In some cases, obtaining additional funding may be necessary to save the company from insolvency. This can include securing a loan, finding new investors, or selling assets. However, obtaining additional funding can be challenging, especially if the company is already struggling financially. It is important to have a solid financial plan in place and to present a convincing case to potential lenders or investors. The company may also need to consider alternative sources of funding, such as invoice financing, crowdfunding or government grants.

Improving Operational Efficiency in the Company

Reviewing and Restructuring the Organisational Structure:

Reviewing and restructuring the organisational structure can help to improve efficiency and reduce costs. The company should review its current structure and identify areas where changes can be made to streamline operations and eliminate redundancies. This may involve consolidating departments or reorganising reporting lines. By restructuring the organisational structure, the company can improve communication, reduce bureaucracy, and increase productivity.

Streamlining Operations:

Streamlining operations is another important step in saving a company from insolvency. This involves reviewing the company’s processes and procedures and identifying areas where they can be improved. The goal is to eliminate inefficiencies, reduce waste, and improve productivity. This may involve implementing new technology, automating processes, or simplifying procedures. By streamlining operations, the company can reduce costs and improve its competitive position.

Reducing Expenses:

Reducing expenses is often necessary to save a company from insolvency. This may involve cutting non-essential expenses, renegotiating contracts with suppliers, or finding ways to reduce overhead costs. The company should prioritise expenses based on their importance to the business and their potential to contribute to revenue generation. It is important to be strategic when reducing expenses to avoid negatively impacting the company’s ability to operate effectively.

Identifying and Addressing Inefficiencies:

Identifying and addressing inefficiencies is essential to saving a company from insolvency. This may involve reviewing processes and procedures to identify areas where improvements can be made. It may also involve identifying areas where staff may require additional training or support. By addressing inefficiencies, the company can improve productivity, reduce costs, and improve its overall performance.

Maximising Revenue of the Business

Developing and Implementing a Marketing Strategy:

Developing and implementing a marketing strategy can help to generate new business and increase revenue. The company should identify its target market and develop a plan to reach them through a variety of marketing channels, including social media, email marketing, and advertising. The marketing strategy should be tailored to the company’s unique strengths and should be regularly reviewed and updated.

Identifying New Revenue Streams:

Identifying new revenue streams is another important step in saving a company from insolvency. This may involve diversifying the company’s product or service offering or expanding into new markets. The company should conduct market research to identify new opportunities and develop a plan to capitalise on them. By identifying new revenue streams, the company can increase its revenue and reduce its dependence on a single product or service.

Improving the Sales Process:

Improving the sales process is another important step in saving a company from insolvency. The company should review its current sales process and identify areas where improvements can be made. This may involve providing additional training to sales staff or streamlining the sales process to make it more efficient. By improving the sales process, the company can increase its conversion rate and generate more revenue.

Building Customer Loyalty:

Building customer loyalty is essential to saving a company from insolvency. The company should focus on providing excellent customer service and developing strong relationships with its customers. This may involve implementing a customer loyalty program or providing additional incentives to customers who refer new business. By building customer loyalty, the company can increase its customer retention rate and generate repeat business.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Understanding the Legal and Regulatory Environment:

Understanding the legal and regulatory environment is critical to saving a company from insolvency. The company should stay up-to-date with any relevant laws and regulations and ensure that it is in compliance with them. This may involve consulting with legal experts to ensure that the company is fully aware of its legal obligations and is taking appropriate steps to comply with them.

Complying with Regulations:

Complying with regulations is essential to avoiding legal issues and protecting the company from insolvency. The company should develop a compliance program that ensures that it is meeting all of its legal obligations. This may involve implementing internal controls, training staff on compliance issues, and regularly reviewing and updating the compliance program.

Dealing with Legal Issues:

Dealing with legal issues can be a challenging and time-consuming process. The company should develop a plan for dealing with legal issues that includes identifying potential legal risks and developing a strategy for mitigating those risks. The company should also have a plan in place for responding to legal claims or investigations, which may involve engaging legal experts to represent the company.

Protecting Assets:

Protecting assets is essential to saving a company from insolvency. The company should take steps to protect its physical and intellectual property, as well as its financial assets. This may involve implementing security measures to protect physical assets, such as installing surveillance cameras or hiring security guards. It may also involve implementing policies and procedures to protect intellectual property, such as confidentiality agreements or trademarks. Finally, the company should ensure that it has adequate insurance coverage to protect its financial assets in the event of an unexpected loss.

Communication within the Business

Communicating with Employees:

Communicating with employees is crucial to saving a company from insolvency. The company should be transparent with its employees about the financial situation and involve them in the process of turning the company around. This may involve providing regular updates on the progress of the turnaround plan and soliciting feedback and suggestions from employees. The company should also ensure that its employees are motivated and engaged in the process, which may involve providing additional training or incentives.

Communicating with Customers:

Communicating with customers is also important in saving a company from insolvency. The company should be transparent with its customers about the financial situation and assure them that it is taking steps to address the issues. The company should also focus on providing excellent customer service and developing strong relationships with its customers. This may involve providing incentives or discounts to loyal customers or offering additional services or products to meet their needs.

Communicating with Suppliers and Creditors:

Communicating with suppliers and creditors is essential to saving a company from insolvency. The company should be transparent with its suppliers and creditors about the financial situation and work with them to develop a plan to address any outstanding debts or issues. This may involve negotiating payment plans or seeking additional funding to meet the company’s obligations. The company should also ensure that it is meeting all of its contractual obligations and communicating regularly with suppliers and creditors to maintain strong relationships.

Communicating with Investors:

Communicating with investors is also critical in saving a company from insolvency. The company should be transparent with its investors about the financial situation and provide regular updates on the progress of the turnaround plan. The company should also work with investors to develop a plan for addressing any outstanding debt or funding issues. This may involve negotiating new terms or seeking additional investment to support the company’s turnaround efforts. The company should also ensure that it is meeting all of its reporting and regulatory obligations to maintain investor confidence.

Frequently asked questions

What are some steps that can be taken to save a company from insolvency?

There are several steps that can be taken, such as assessing the company's financial situation, developing a financial plan, reviewing and restructuring the organizational structure, developing a marketing strategy, understanding the legal and regulatory environment, and communicating with stakeholders.

How important is communicating with stakeholders when trying to save a company from insolvency?

Communicating with stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, and investors, is crucial to saving a company from insolvency. Transparent communication helps to build trust, maintain relationships, and ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal.

Is it necessary to seek legal advice when trying to save a company from insolvency?

It may be necessary to seek legal advice when trying to save a company from insolvency. Understanding the legal and regulatory environment, complying with regulations, dealing with legal issues, and protecting assets are all important aspects of the turnaround plan. Consulting with legal experts can help to ensure that the company is fully aware of its legal obligations and is taking appropriate steps to comply with them.


In conclusion, saving a company from insolvency requires a comprehensive approach that involves assessing the financial situation, developing a financial plan, reviewing and restructuring the organizational structure, developing a marketing strategy, understanding the legal and regulatory environment, and communicating with stakeholders. It is crucial to take action as soon as possible to address the issues and turn the company around.

Delaying action can result in irreversible damage to the company’s reputation and financial standing. If necessary, seeking professional help from legal, financial, or business experts can provide valuable insights and guidance in the process of saving the company from insolvency.

By taking proactive steps and seeking appropriate help, a company can overcome financial difficulties and emerge stronger and more resilient in the long run.

Steve Jones Profile
Insolvency & Restructuring Expert at Business Insolvency Helpline | + posts

With over three decades of experience in the business and turnaround sector, Steve Jones is one of the founders of Business Insolvency Helpline. With specialist knowledge of Insolvency, Liquidations, Administration, Pre-packs, CVA, MVL, Restructuring Advice and Company investment.