What is a lump sum payment to an IVA?A lump sum Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a financial arrangement that offers individuals a way to settle their debts through a single payment.

In this type of IVA, the debtor negotiates with their creditors to make a one-time lump sum payment, usually sourced from a third party or personal savings, in exchange for the forgiveness of a portion of their outstanding debts.

By opting for a lump sum IVA, individuals can achieve a faster resolution to their financial difficulties, as it eliminates the need for extended monthly repayments.

This arrangement provides a sense of closure and allows individuals to start afresh with their finances, providing a pathway towards debt-free living

What is a lump sum payment to an IVA?

A lump sum payment to an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) refers to a single, substantial payment made by an individual to their creditors as part of a debt settlement agreement. In an IVA, the debtor works with an insolvency practitioner to create a repayment plan that is affordable and acceptable to both parties.

While most IVAs involve regular monthly payments over a fixed term, a lump sum payment offers an alternative option. Instead of making multiple smaller payments over time, the debtor can make a larger one-time payment to settle a significant portion of their debts.

This lump sum payment can come from various sources, such as personal savings, a loan, or assistance from a third party. By making a lump sum payment to an IVA, individuals can expedite the debt resolution process, potentially benefiting from reduced interest charges and a quicker path to financial recovery

How long does a lump sum IVA last?

Six months, is the duration of a lump sum Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) can vary depending on the specific terms negotiated between the debtor and the creditors.

Unlike traditional IVAs that typically span over a fixed term, a lump sum IVA is often designed to be relatively short-term. In some cases, a this type of arrangement may last for a few months or even weeks, as the debtor makes a one-time substantial payment to settle a significant portion of their debts.

The advantage of a shorter duration is that it allows individuals to resolve their financial difficulties more quickly and move towards a debt-free future.

However, it’s important to note that the specific length of a lump sum IVA will depend on factors such as the amount of debt, the negotiated settlement percentage, and the financial circumstances of the debtor.

How Does It Work?

To qualify for a lump sum IVA, certain conditions must be met. Firstly, you need to demonstrate that you have insufficient income to contribute to regular monthly payments, making a standard IVA impractical for you and your creditors.

Secondly, you should either have a third party willing to make a single payment to cover your debt or have equity in a property. Once these conditions are met, many of the technical complexities associated with other types of IVAs are eliminated.

The process of a lump sum IVA closely resembles that of a regular IVA, with the key distinction being the shorter timeframe due to the lump sum payment. An initial meeting will be scheduled between you and your insolvency practitioner.

Your practitioner will request certain documents and official certifications as evidence for claims regarding the lump sum payment. Once the documentation is reviewed, an official IVA proposal will be drafted and sent to you and your creditors for consent and signatures.

Just like with a standard IVA, at least 75% of your total debt-owing creditors must agree to the terms and conditions of the IVA for it to be valid. The positive news, particularly for those facing financial struggles, is that if the agreed-upon sum to be paid through the IVA is less than the total debt owed, the remaining debt will be written off once the IVA concludes.

Lastly, similar to a regular IVA, while the IVA is in effect, creditors and debt collectors are prohibited from pursuing you for repayment, providing a level of relief and protection during the validity of the IVA.

Pros and Cons of Lump-Sum IVA

Pros Cons
1. Debt resolution: Provides a legal solution to tackle overwhelming debt and avoid bankruptcy. 1. Large upfront payment: A lump-sum IVA typically requires a significant upfront payment, which can be challenging for some individuals to afford.
2. Single payment: Involves making a one-time payment to settle the outstanding debt completely or partially. 2. Limited accessibility: A lump-sum IVA may not be accessible or suitable for individuals with limited financial resources or irregular income streams.
3. Simplicity: Simplifies the debt repayment process by streamlining it into a single payment. 3. Limited negotiation power: Since a lump-sum IVA involves a one-time payment, there is less room for negotiation with creditors compared to other types of debt management plans.
4. Quicker debt settlement: Allows individuals to resolve their debt faster compared to other repayment options. 4. Potential asset liquidation: Depending on the terms of the IVA, there may be a requirement to sell or liquidate assets to make the lump-sum payment.
5. Credit rating improvement: Successfully completing a lump-sum IVA can lead to an improved credit rating in the long term. 5. Impact on credit rating: Engaging in a lump-sum IVA will typically result in a negative impact on your credit rating, making it harder to obtain credit in the future.

It’s important to note that the pros and cons listed above are general observations and may not apply to every specific situation. Consulting with a financial advisor or insolvency practitioner is recommended to assess your individual circumstances before deciding on a particular debt management solution.

How can You Get a Lump Sum Amount?

When seeking a lump sum amount for an IVA, there are several potential sources you can explore:

  1. Family and Friends: Inheritance money or proceeds from the sale of a family property can provide a substantial sum. You may also consider asking close friends for a loan or financial assistance, although this option should be approached carefully and only when there are no other alternatives available.
  2. Direct Lending: Direct lending involves obtaining a loan directly from a creditor without involving intermediaries such as brokers. Look for lenders authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), as they specialize in providing loans to individuals irrespective of their previous or current debts or bad credit history. For larger sums, direct lending may be a viable option, especially if you use the loan specifically for the lump sum IVA to prevent further deterioration of your credit file.
  3. Matured Insurance: If you have a matured insurance policy, you can claim the total sum that has now become available to you. This can provide a significant amount of money that can be allocated towards your IVA.

It’s important to carefully assess and consider the terms, conditions, and potential implications of each option before proceeding


Does Lump Sum IVA Improve my Credit Score?

A Lump Sum IVA can have a positive impact on your credit score compared to other debt arrangements like regular IVAs or bankruptcy. By making responsible payments and demonstrating financial maturity, you can work towards improving your credit score faster. Additionally, the shorter duration of a lump sum IVA, typically not lasting for five to six years, means it may have a lesser impact on your credit score compared to longer-term arrangements.

Will Creditors Agree to a Lump Sum payment?

Creditors may be willing to agree to a lump sum payment as it provides them with the advantage of receiving a substantial portion of the debt upfront rather than waiting for smaller monthly payments. By convincing creditors that you are unable to make regular monthly payments over an extended period and presenting a viable lump sum option, they may be inclined to consider the arrangement. Creditors often prefer an agreed-upon lump sum IVA over the alternative, which could be bankruptcy. Effective communication, providing relevant information, and presenting a convincing case can increase the likelihood of creditors accepting the proposal.

Do I need an IP for Lump Sum IVA?

Engaging an insolvency practitioner (IP) is necessary for a lump sum IVA, just like a regular IVA. The IP plays a crucial role in authenticating documents, providing financial advice, and negotiating with creditors on your behalf. They are licensed professionals dedicated to helping individuals overcome debt, so trusting their expertise and guidance is advisable throughout the process.

Does Lump Sum Individual Voluntary Arrangement really work?

Lump Sum Individual Voluntary Arrangements are indeed effective and widely utilized due to their shorter duration compared to traditional IVAs. They offer a viable solution for individuals who may not have a stable income or are concerned about committing to long-term repayment plans. By addressing your debts through a lump sum payment, you can expedite your journey towards financial stability and potentially minimize the impact on your credit score.


In conclusion, a lump sum IVA offers distinct advantages over a regular IVA. The shorter duration allows individuals to resolve their debt situation more quickly, typically avoiding a five to six-year commitment. This not only expedites the path to financial recovery but also minimises the potential impact on credit scores.

By providing a substantial lump sum payment to creditors, individuals can demonstrate their commitment to resolving their debts, potentially leading to higher acceptance rates from creditors. Furthermore, the flexibility and speed allow individuals to move towards a debt-free future sooner and regain control over their financial well-being.

Ultimately, the lump sum IVA provides a practical and efficient debt resolution option for those seeking a faster and more decisive path out of debt.

Steve Jones Profile
Insolvency & Restructuring Expert at Business Insolvency Helpline

With over three decades of experience in the business and turnaround sector, Steve Jones is one of the founders of Business Insolvency Helpline. With specialist knowledge of Insolvency, Liquidations, Administration, Pre-packs, CVA, MVL, Restructuring Advice and Company investment.